Your Friday MONDO: Brain Nuggets From High Frontiers #4 – 1988 (MONDO 2000 History Project Entry #36)
And more pull quotes, from High Frontiers  issue #4.
The biggest threat to the status quo worldwide is that the new species will recognize itself. R.U. Sirius
…is anyone currently trying to duplicate those now lost, but now forgotten, experiments from the 1950s that gave the world that marvelous substance, FLUBBER?  Letters to the Editor
We are discovering that there is an angel within the monkey. Â Terence McKenna
It seems unintelligent to base the important question of whether a machine is conscious or not on human gullibility. Â Nick Herbert
…it was a holistic blender drink, a Synaesthetic Slurpee…  Morgan Russell
What a set of frontal lobes! I’d like to slide between those hemispheres.  Morgan Russell
…satin-trousered temptresses lazing on divans, wearing dark glasses, sipping hummingbird nectar from diamond demitasses. Morgan Russell
I would operate under about 30 different names. I’d try to maneuver people into calling me by name so I’d know who I was. Â Captain Clearlight
I was thinking, “…if they’ve got uniforms, they’ve probably got guns. They’re just waiting to have me on toast.”  Captain Clearlight
The CIA was like an unwitting midwife in the birth of the acid generation. Martin Lee
…everyone knows the Nazis were into the occult. There are rumors that Hitler experimented with peyote.  Martin Lee
When you come right down to it, the CIA is a secret society. Â Martin Lee
The future according to rock and roll is a no-tilt, ten-ball, bumper-pounding orgasm. Â Alex Cain
I feel as though I’m sort of a graduate of my own elevator in my own mind hotel. Mike D
People will vote with their money for the kind of personal quantum “knowledge appliances” they want. Timothy Leary