Peter Tosh Wishes You A Happy 420
if ($the_byline <> ""){ ?> By R.U. Sirius } ?>
Well, speaking from personal experience, I’m not so sure that it’s so good for asthma…  but it certainly changes your perspective about it. On the other hand…
Happy 420!
By Valkyrie Ice, April 20, 2012 @ 12:27 pm
I had asthma RU. Was on an inhaler for 18 years. Haven’t needed one for over 6 years now, and not one single instance of short breath not caused by a chest cold, which also are not as bad as they used to be. Just sayin’ XPPPPPPP
By R.U. Sirius, April 20, 2012 @ 2:06 pm
It’s true that medications effect people differently. For example, your comment just became filled with weird meanings (cough cough cough).