Crazy Ass 11-11-11 Bullshit From The Pleiadian Council Of Light
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OK you awakened ex-zombies…
By Phil Bowermaster, November 11, 2011 @ 1:50 pm
Why does the “channel” voice always sound like that? Just once I want to hear somebody channeling some entity and it sounds like Gilbert Gottfried.
By Joseph Allgren, November 11, 2011 @ 1:54 pm
They’re just zombies of a different color.
Why don’t these people ever recognize the complete arbitrariness of of our dating system?
By Maggie Duval, November 12, 2011 @ 1:10 am
I made it my personal quest to modulate my speech to match the inflections of this channeled Pleiadian council member. I look forward to attending important business meetings pontificating in this manner. I’m also going to don a white flowing robe, dye my long, flowing, brunette locks platinum blonde, have a fan always at hand to blow said locks (as well as my fringed buckskin wrap) back from my beatific visage at all times, as I spread my arms out Scott-Stapp-of-Creed-messianic-like. Should make for some wacky hi-jinx. Man, what a disturbing mish-mash of “spiritual” goo. If I get one more arrogant, ex-zombie wingnut trying to instruct me in “ascension”… Ugh, blissed-out blech. And don’t call me “dear one.”